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In the painting collection are present various examples of paintings made by various renowned Italian and foreign artists who worked in Italy from the XV to the XVIII century. In this collection various extremely significant paintings belonging to the Bolognese and Emilian School, by Masters as Guido Reni and Guercino, are present. Masterpieces such as the “Madonna with the Blessing Child” by Bernardino di Betto, well known as Pintoricchio (D.M. 11/10/1990) – dated to the end of the XV century (on exhibition in the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria (February 2nd – August 31st) on occasion of the Exhibition in honor of the painter) – and The Holy Family with the young St. John and angels by Michele di Rodolfo del Ghirlandaio, dated to the XVI century also belong to the painting collection, together with various paintings which belong to the landscape painting (vedutismo), dated to the XVIII century, such as two wonderful works which certify the level of that kind of painting within the Roman environment and which witness all the architectural and landscape changes in Rome.