La dinastia di Augusto e i ritratti della gens Giulio-Claudia

by admin fsg

Museo dell’Ara Pace, Rome
Permanent exhibition

Since 17th May 2016, the plaster copies of the portraits from Gens Julius-Claudia, belonging to Fondazione Sorgente Group, are part of the renewed set-up of the Ara Pacis Museum. Promoted by the Assessorato alla Crescita culturale and Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali of Roma Capitale, together with Zetema Progetto Cultura support, the exhibition project has been entirely financed by Fondazione Sorgente Group. To complete the dynasty of Augustus’ family,  the collection of imperial portraits already included in the museum have been enriched with six other cast heads: Marcellus, Octavianus favourite nephew, missing from the sequence of the museum’s imperial portraits; then the heads of Gaius’ and Lucius Caesars; followed by Antonia Minor, Germanicus and Gaius as an adult.

Choosing the portraits from Fondazione Sorgente Group it’s a clear acknowledgement of the importance and the scientific value of this collection, which has been approved and well-considered by scholars and museums, through important exhibitions and loans in Italy and Europe. The project has been decided by Fondazione Vice-president Paola Mainetti and coordinated by Valentina Nicolucci, curator for archaeology, together with the scientific direction of Sovrintendenza Capitolina dei Beni Culturali.