Athena Nike: la vittoria della dea. Marmi greci del V e IV secolo a.C. della Fondazione Sorgente Group

by admin fsg

Spazio Tritone, Rome
Apertura al pubblico dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10.30 alle 18.00. Visite guidate su prenotazione – Ingresso libero

Entitled The Victory of the Goddess. Greek Marbles of the 5th and 4th Century BC from the Fondazione Sorgente Group Collection and inaugurated on 6 February, the exhibition will be held at the Spazio Espositivo Tritone, the Group’s exhibition centre, until 3 August. The three-dimensional installation brings the statue back to life in a virtual reconstruction that supplies its missing parts. Rescued from the oblivion of ages, the sculpture will appear from the darkness before our eyes in all its beauty and integrity. Background projections will embed it in its original setting, the classical Greece of the second half of the 5th century BC, the age of the Athenian democracy of Pericles and the building of the Parthenon. The virtual reconstruction of the sculpture by Paco Lanciano and his Mizar team harnesses sophisticated computer, audio and lighting systems and is based scientifically on Prof. Eugenio La Rocca’s painstaking study of the relevant iconographic, formal and technical hypotheses. The exhibition has bees coordinated and edited by Paola Mainetti, vice-president of Fondazione Sorgente Group, with the support of Valentina Nicolucci, the Archaeology curator.

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